Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Interview protocol for research project

My main focus for my research project is how are children tested on their reading levels and what factors cause their reading levels to be high or low. Here is part of my
Interview protocol that I will be using on my participant to find out more about the focus of my research.

Interview for Research project
Tell me a little bit about why you wanted to be a teacher?
How long have you been a teacher?
As a teacher, how important do believe reading skills are for the students?
With your teaching experience, have you notice differences with students and their reading levels?
How often do the students work on their reading skills? (In the classroom and at home)
Describe to me how the school assesses the reading levels of students?
Is there any flexibility in the way the school gives the assessment?
Who determines the grades of the students?
Do you happen to remember a time when you disagreed with the grade a student received?
What are the levels that students are place in after the assessment?
What are the factors that cause the students to perform at the lower levels?
Can you tell me time when a student performed low on an assessment, but achieved high grade in reading? Can that be because the student does not perform well on tests rather than class work?
Do the assessments correspond with what the students are learning in the classroom?  
Do you think the assessments really work? If not, what would you change?
How often do the students get assessed for their reading levels? If so, are the assessments different then the first assessment?
I know you assess the students every month in addition to the other assessment; do you believe that the whole school should be doing this as well?
Describe to me the differences that you see in the student’s reading levels in the beginning of the year to the end of the year?
Are the differences good, bad, or fair for certain students?
Can you tell me about a time when a student did not progress in their reading levels throughout the school year?
What factors do you believe cause a student not to progress in their reading levels?
Is there anything else you like to add about student reading levels?

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